Save time and effort, get to Club Hotel Casio Loutraki as smooth and quickly as possible from the airport. After the survey checking the interest from all passholders by June 15th, we have selected the most popular time frames for the transfers and can offer seat tickets the following times. You may choose your ticket one way or return. Booking of seats is now open until 1st of September.

From Athens airport  to Club Hotel Casino Loutraki, we will provide a bus transfer the following times:

Wednesday Sep. 11th

  • 14 hrs
  • 18 hrs

Thursday Sep. 12th

  • 16 hrs

Returning from Club Hotel Casino Loutraki to Athens airport, we will only provide transfer Monday 16th of September, at the following 3 times:

  • 9 hrs
  • 13 hrs
  • 16 hrs

The price for the transfer is 35€ one way, or 60€ return ticket.  The ride takes approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes.

There is a limited amount of seats for each transfer.