This very talented and knowledgeable artist is resident in the Canary Islands, and joined the SalsaNor Rueda Congress for the first time last year in Oslo.

Jorge is a well known dancer and instructor of Cuban popular and modern dances in Europa. He has been teaching for more than 25 years, and a great motivator of Cuban culture worldwide. And he is a lot of fun doing rueda!!

During his long trayectory, he has been teaching at numerous Cuban salsa festivals in countries like Spain, Germany, Italy, France, Russia, Sweden, Poland, Bulgaria, Portugal, England, Ireland, Peru, Australia, Ukraine, China, Serbia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark and Finland.

He is also organizing his own, international events in Spain with participants from up to 35 countries, for example the Guaguancó Festival, Puro Casino and Sazón Festival. A part from teaching some super energetic workshops, he will also take part in the team of judges for the Wadf Rueda de Casino World Championship. We are excited to see him again in Madrid this year!

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