FINALLY! The 3 topics and the teachers for the Pre-Congress are ready, allowing us to go in-depth into the selected Rueda de Casino themes. The pre-congress takes place Thursday the 12th of September, at the venue Hotel Casino Loutraki.
Choose between the following Pre-Congress topics:
1. Role Changing/Equiz with Noe Roderick & Diego Fuentes – A whole day dedicated to Equiz and Role Changing (Switch) with the masters themselves, Noe & Diego.
2. Improving your Rueda technique with Sassan Alivaliollahi – Working on technique is incredibly useful for most dancers. This class is also interesting for teachers and rueda callers/leaders who want to add some additional tools in their teaching toolbox.
3. Rueda Traffic Rules with Cristian Mauricio – Understanding the ABC of the casino, and how to use it in rueda, through transitions, multiple directions and architectures from simple to complex. Diving into this topic is really one of Cristian Mauricios specialties.
Read more about the topics and the corresponding levels on the pre-congress page on our web, or at the sign-up form.
Remember to plan your arrival in time. Loutraki is a good hours drive from Athens airport, and if you are going by public transport it will take even longer. Welcome to the 2024 Pre-Congress Thursday September 12th.