Welcome to the 20th SalsaNor Rueda Congress!!

We’re just a few days before the Happening of the year. Here we will try to answer some common questions:


How do I get to the hotel from the airport?

Everything you need to know (including maps) is described under Venue at our website: https://www.ruedacongress.com/rc2023/venues/

If you are a group we definitely recommend a taxi or maxi-taxi as they have fixed prices.


Where do I get my Full Pass bracelet?

You register at our infodesk at Hotel FORO – programme and opening hours here: https://www.ruedacongress.com/rc2023/programme/


How do I register?

When you signed up for the congress, you received an order confirmation with a qr-code attached. During these last days you have also received an email or sms with the QR code. The QR code is your ticket to register at Infodesk to get your full pass bracelet.


I cannot find any QR code

Don’t worry. Please start by checking your spam folder. If you didn’t receive email or SMS the email address or phone number might be wrong. Please go to our infodesk and we will find you in our lists and verify your purchases.


What about the MealDeal?

You also received a QR code for your MealDeal. When you receive your festival bracelet, it will indicate that you have the MealDeal included (no more queuing up before dinners)


I got an email that said I was going to receive a QR code for my meals, but no QR code!?

Yes, we know. We are sorry but there was a system error.

You have already received the QR code when booking your ticket, this was just the reminder email. Search for SalsaNor, RuedaCongress, Deltager.no and you’ll most likely find it.


Can I buy any Congress Meals when I arrive?

There might be some available meals due to other cancellations, if so, they can be purchased at the infodesk.


What if there are no meals left, where can I buy food?

There are more than 100 restaurants in Trés Cantos to choose from, and just a 2-3 min walk from both venue hotels, there is a convenient store (Mercadona).


I see most classes are at Hotel Foro but also one parallel at Hotel EXE, how do I get to Hotel EXE?

Its very easy and just 5 minutes of walking, see video for directions here: https://www.ruedacongress.com/rc2023/venues/


I live at theTRES CANTOS EXE Hotel, where do I eat my MealDeal lunches?

You eat the lunches (Saturday and Sunday) at the hotel you stay/sleep in. The color of your bracelet indicates where you have your breakfast and MealDeal lunches.


I have bought the MealDeal, but I´m not staying in any of the venue hotels. Where do I eat my lunches.

Then your lunches will be served in the Foro hotel


Is the parties included in the fullpass?

Yes, of course


What is the dress code for the Saturday Gala Night?

Red Passion!

Everything about the parties here: https://www.ruedacongress.com/rc2023/programme/parties/


Where is the Friday Daytime Social?

It’s in Park Retiro, everything you need to know is stated here: https://www.ruedacongress.com/2023/08/07/friday-daytime-social/


How do I get to the Retiro Park?

You have 3 options:

  • The Rueda Congress bus from Hotel Foro at 10.15, tickets to be purchased at inodesk. One way 8 Eur, including return 14 Eur
  • Taxi, Cabify, Uber
  • Public Transport: https://www.metromadrid.es/en/travel-in-the-metro/fares-and-tickets/tickets


Is there and PRE Congress Passes left?

No, sorry they are sold out.


I already have a PRE Congress pass, can I attend the lunch?

No, sorry they are sold out.


If I registered at the PRE congress, do I also have to register for the main congress Full Pass?

No, you will get your Full Pass at the infodesk when you register for the PRE Congress


I booked my hotel through SalsaNor, what do I do if I have any questions?

The hotel booking is now placed at the hotel. All questions must be directed to the hotel from now on. NB! Bring your passport at check-in.


Can I change my pass to another rueda level?

We are very sorry, but the event is full on all levels.


I sent you an email the week before the event, why don’t you answer?

We are very sorry, but we do not have the capacity to handle any emails the last days before the event. Please direct your questions to our Infodesk. We will answer emails the week after the event.


What about the SalsaNor Rueda Congress 2024?

Well, it’s going to be amazing – we can promise that! 

During the Saturday Gala Dinner we will announce the next host city.


When can I sign up for 2024?

Sign-up will open on the Sunday during this Congress. The organizing team will be at the infodesk from 14:00-15:00 if you have any questions.
NOTE: To be able to sign up during the Sunday you need to be a SalsaNor member, membership can be purchased here (link)


Is soooo hot in Madrid, what can I do?

Drink loads of water to stay hydrated. You can also purchase a Rueda Congress Abanico at our Infodesk – and stay cool ?


Will there be any Rueda Congress t-shirt this year?

Oh yes! Check it out at our infodesk.


I need dancing shoes, what to do??

Don’t worry! Our dance shoe stand will be located near the infodesk the whole weekend.