In only 30 minutes the couple passes were gone, and there are now only 19 single lead passes left.

A lot of people are writing to us, that were ready tonight to get their pass, but did not manage to buy before they were gone. We are going to respond to all of you very shortly, but can now announce that there are no couple passes left either, only 19 single lead (men) passes.

We feel very honored by this success, and we wish we could say yes to everybody, but our calculations of numbers has to do with capacity of the workshops rooms in the hotel.

But as announced previously, we know that during the next months there might be minor changes, cancellations etc. We will not have the possibility of administration a waiting list, but we will later launch a date, once or twice, where any available spots will be put out for sale. We will inform about this here on our website and on SoMe in due time before date for selling any available passes.