Welcome to the 19th annual SalsaNor Rueda Congress,
including Rueda de Casino WADF World Championship!
Preparing for the 19th edition of SalsNor Rueda Congress, this time teaming up with Salsa by Norika as our event partner in Bratislava. Congress Passes will be available for you very soon! As will information on our venues, Congress hotel offer & meals.
Apart from our exciting 5-parallel workshop schedule during the event, you are up for another Rueda de Casino World Championship Friday the 4th, we have a great Friday Social Rueda Flash Mob in the old town, and we also offer a pre-congress Bootcamp for those who wish to get in already from Thursday morning the 3rd, and dive into one of the Rueda topics of the Bootcamp. Please check out the outline of the next program here.
The exact day and time for the launch of Passes will be communicated at least 24 hours ahead of time. In the meantime we recommend you to read these updates about the Pass price structure and the rueda levels for this year:
Price structure:
This year prices go up after a certain amount of passes are sold, and not at certain dates. This makes it easier for us to plan the event, and gives us predictability. The 1st lot will be for sale at 1400 NOK per Pass. If you find a partner to sign up with, there’s a discount of 100 NOK.
We recommend you to get organized early in order to get the best price and while all the levels are available. And a notification will be given on ruedacongress.com and on Facebook when there are only a few passes left in each lot and before we release new passes.
Rueda levels:
We are constantly trying to improve our rueda level division. For the 2019 congress we created new definitions of the different rueda levels. From our experiences from last year, we have made some further adjustments for 2020.
NEW this year, is that we have joined the two upper levels into only one Advanced level. We have left numbers and letters defining levels, and will only describe them as Improver, Intermediate and advanced level. This means that there will be two parallels of advanced workshops at all times, giving you a great and varied selection of workshops. Some of the advanced workshops will have specific requirements to participate. This will be described thoroughly in the workshop schedule for you to plan your choices in good time before the congress.
Please stay tuned and start planning you trip to Bratislava September 2020!