The Rueda Congress weekend is finally here!
It’s time for the 16th SalsaNor Rueda Congress – in Stavanger.
We hope to see you for the Opening party tonight, kicking off with a Rueda warm-up class with Moe Flex at 20:00.
Don’t forget the Friday social, starting at 10:30, and including a walk to Sola Ruinkyrkje, lunch and outdoor Rueda. We encourrage the local participants to also join us.
Local Rueda dancers and salseros, make sure to check out the evening programme, which is open to everyone, also without congress pass.
For last minute messages, please check our Facebook events:
Rueda Congress event
Gala Party event
We will take a timeout from email during the congress, so you should not expect any email services Thursday through Sunday this week. See you on the dance floor!