One of our proud Rueda Congress traditions is the hand-outs. Here is a preview of some of them if you want to print it out in advance.

Click on the picture to open printable version (PDF).

1.   A printed list of the Rueda commands & figures planned for the various Rueda workshops, to be handed out upon registration.

2.  A separate sheet with Rueda commands and illustrations of the most complex Rueda structures, to be handed out in the relevant workshops, Rueda torno and Rueda caleidescopio.

3.  The updated Rueda Standard document  the updated 2017 version!


In Stavanger you will also receive the Rueda Congress 2017 programme folder containing all the information you need for the weekend. Including workshop schedule, practical information about meals, etc.

And the flyer for SalsaNor Rueda Congress 2018 in .. (to be announced at the Gala dinner).