It’s time to make plans for the Rueda Congress in Stavanger in September. May 31st the congress pass price will go up.
We need help from you ladies to invite more men the congress, for the balance in the classes and the parties to work out nicely. Note that it is cheaper also for the men to sign up in couples. (The lead and the follow in a couple may sign up for different Rueda levels.)
Included in the congress pass:
★ updated rueda standard!
★ 4 salsa & rueda parties
★ 3 days of classes
★ 5 parallell classes
★ 4 rueda levels
★ outdoor rueda
★ one venue
We also offer
– Rueda Congress Gala dinner buffet, and a variety of other meals
– A unique congress hotel deal at Clarion Hotel Air
If you haven’t decided yet, take a look at our picture gallery for some memories from previous Rueda Congresses.